Refound’s Values

Choose In

Being fully present in all aspects of my life. Stepping into the moment with both feet. Taking 100% responsibility for my actions and reactions.
Self • Speaking my truth, fully listening to others, using the Dial, asking for forgiveness rather than permission.
Team • Building a culture of experimentation to solve difficult problems by trying new things and iterating on them.
Org • Preserving our highest-value activity (our time) for clients who see us as partners.
Examples of Choose In being lived:
Speaking up in a meeting when something feels off even if you can’t put your finger on it.
Fully celebrating when we try something new and we learn something new.
Tracking growth and success with our valued partners, rather than time.

Reflect On

Reflect on what I’m learning about myself or a situation after I “chose in.” Continuing curiosity, reflection, and growth.
Self • Willingness to see everything that happens through a frame of growth.
Team • Calling out when we’re not experimenting and playing it safe; offering a path that honors growth instead.
Org • Taking time to retreat and regroup, being conscious of the stages and seasons of our team’s development.
Examples of Reflect On being lived:
Talking with a colleague about a situation where we realize we’re in a victim mode.
Having a dedicated meeting to talk about what risks we didn’t quite take in a client event.
Understanding the context gap for new folks on the team and going the extra mile to make them feel welcome, to understand something historical, etc.

Ripple Out

Expanding our positive impact. Finding ways to support people and communities beyond the obvious ones.
Self • Measuring success through the whole health of our lives (relationships, physical, environmental, spiritual).
Team • Looking out for our colleagues like a friend would. Celebrate and support each other.
Org • Seeking to find ways to be more inclusive and diverse, find a way to give that feels good to us.
Examples of Ripple Out being lived:
Buying carbon offsets for travel.
Giving discounts or free services to leaders in nonprofits and/or government.
Showcasing leaders and managers who are making the world a better place.

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